Exploring Lithuania beyond Lithuania!

To Be LT searches for inspiring examples of Lithuanian heritage far from Lithuania; stories and people that encourage us to explore and embrace the possibilities of a more open and inclusive national identity. One that travels. One that unites. One that is contagious. One that embraces all of Lithuania’s children where-ever in the world they may be.


ToBeLT West Coast movie coming this fall!

Subscribe for the news about the upcoming movie




North East USA

What does it mean to be Lithuanian? Is it blood connection, language, traditions and custom, or maybe it’s enough to love Lithuania? And what is Lithuania? Is it a geographical location defined by state borders or is it more? What unites Lithuanians in Lithuania and abroad?
While travelling around east coast of USA Jurgis Didziulis was visiting Lithuanian communities and trying to find out the answers. He shares all the stories in the new documentary “What it means to be Lithuanian”.


West Coast USA

We began our journey by visiting Lithuanian communities with a mission: to learn and listen, to talk, to discover, to capture and share. Our first stop was Los Angeles, where we met so many inspiring people, learned more about them and tried to understand how they feel about their heritage and Lithuanian identity while living outside the geographical Lithuanian borders.


South Africa

About 90% of Jewish living in South Africa are originally from Lithuania. This community kept the same food and language traditions and culture. Different life stories, experiences and interpretations of cultural heritage shows our uniqueness, but we can also find lots of similarities. Our mission is to find a way to cherish and open up our Lithuanian identity.



Humans Of Lithuania: a worldwide, photo-journalistic exploration of Lithuanians and their unique relationship with their heritage.


“Lithuania is our homeland country – the one and only worth living for – here or elsewhere. To choose Lithuania means to return in your heart, through your work or to come back home.”


President of the Republic of Lithuania
Dalia Grybauskaitė





A modern, pluralistic, inclusive and positive Lithuanian identity is of vital importance for the successful development of Lithuania as a state; the cohesion of Lithuanians as a multi-cultural and diverse people; the preservation of cultural heritage, language and traditions in a modern world. We believe in it with our friends and supporters. Meet our familly!




We are looking for like minded people who believe in our global Lithuanian identity idea. We are inspired by people who support this project and motivate us to go forward. ToBeLT already has some family members! Want to become a family member? We are waiting for your messages!


VšĮ “Inas”

Company code



+370 612 87385

Email address


Bank Account Number

LT65 7044 0600 0817 3797, SEB Bankas

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