What does it mean to be Lithuanian? Is it blood connection, language, traditions and custom, or maybe it’s enough to love Lithuania? And what is Lithuania? Is it a geographical location defined by state borders or is it more? What unites Lithuanians in Lithuania and abroad? While travelling around east coast of USA Jurgis Didziulis was visiting Lithuanian communities and trying to find out the answers.
ToBeLT team got to know the communities in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and New York. They met lots of different Lithuanians but they all had one feeling – Love for their country. Regardless of distance and environment, they are working hard and cherishing the traditions and Lithuanian identity.
Impressions and emotions, stories, laughter and sadness Jurgis put into a movie “What it means to be Lithuanian”.
We hope that this movie will induce discussions about Lithuanian identity in modern world and help create alive and contemporary global Lithuanian community.