Our ToBeLT Team Plan a Documentary Based on Inspiring Lithuanian Community of the West Coast

December 18, 2017

It is predicted that by 2020 the Lithuanian population will shrink to 2,6 million. However, where many see a problem, we see an opportunity. We are inspired by a vision of a global Lithuanian community that transcends borders and maintains its people connected through networks and engaged through inspiring examples of sustainable heritage and evolving culture.

That’s why we started our To Be LT campaign. To Be LT (To Be Lithuanian) is a creative pilgrimage that explores and documents Lithuanian heritage far from Lithuania, such as stories and people that encourage us to embrace the possibilities of a more open and inclusive national identity.

By visiting Lithuanian communities around the world, we capture stories of how they experience Lithuanian identity and celebrate their heritage.

We have already traveled to the East and West Coasts of USA, and visited the communities in New York, Boston, Chicago, New Jersey, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Reno. Our plan is to visit five to eight other destinations, such as South America (Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Colombia), Australia, SAR, several European countries, as well as ethnic minority groups in Lithuania, over the course of two years.

We are currently making a documentary about the diverse and inspiring people we met in California and beyond.

The West Coast installment of To Be LT is full of insightful interviews, experiences, and stories that illustrate the forms that traditional heritage can take in order to thrive in a modern environment. It’s a musical documentary intended to tell the story of the Lithuanians on the West Coast and how they made home so far away from home.

Why do we need your help?

We need money to cover production and post-production costs of our movie. We can’t finish the segment until we’ve got the funds.

We believe that cultural heritage is patrimony of the people. If you want to grow it, you need to get yourself involved.

The Impact 

We hope that the movie will be able to explain why creating Global Lithuanian community is important to our nation, and help build understanding about the Diaspora to those who live in Lithuania.

We will showcase how a successful contribution to the future of Lithuanian national wellbeing is possible even if you live thousands of kilometers away, and show how important it is to learn about your heritage, pass on your culture and love your identity. 

How to donate?

Please visit our Indiegogo campaign here!

Please share!

Please share our mission with others! We appreciate each and every donation you contribute!